Sep. 17 @NOON-2pm
make mixed-media art & connect with your muse
Service Description
the theme for this class is gratitude as inspired by the story of “one hundred blessings...” read on for more details & SIGN UP BELOW ~ during the time of King David, there was a deadly plague that tragically claimed the lives of 100 people daily. after realizing that the plague had a spiritual cause, the king and his sages instituted a “measure for measure” idea. every day for each person to say 100 blessings. i loooove the idea of taking a moment to fill with gratitude for all that we have. 100 blessings per day averaged over 16 hours is roughly 1 blessing every 10 minutes. how beautiful! every 10 minutes to stop and say thanks (not just on thanksgiving :)) so how do we integrate this idea into our artwork??? i make it a point to add 100 of something to the painting. 100 circles or 100 squares, hearts, flowers, buttons, lines etc etc. i've been using this technique obsessively all summer, thinking of course of our current plague - may it end immediately! meanwhile, i hope our actions help to restore some cosmic balance. also this class is a great introduction to cosmic smashbooks as designed by artist and mentor Catt Z. the class is open to everyone from beginners to advanced artists. cosmic smashbooks are a special kind of mixed-media art journals. this method is fun & all kinds of therapeutic. read more about cosmic smashbooks on my website. the activity: we follow creative prompts and share favorite tips & tricks for mixed-media art journaling. we combine the different techniques in easy to follow steps with lots of room for variety and your own personal style. then we rest in mystery and see what our muse inspires. join me! for 2 hours this thursday @NOON online via zoom. xo, Marina
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